31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

On the distinction between color confinement, and confinement

1 Aug 2018, 14:30
Hall E (Arts Bldg.)

Hall E

Arts Bldg.

Talk A: Vacuum structure and confinement Vacuum structure and confinement


Prof. Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University)


The property of color confinement ("C-confinement"), meaning that all asymptotic particle states are color neutral, holds not only in QCD, but also in gauge-Higgs theories deep in the Higgs regime. In this talk I will describe a new and stronger confinement criterion, separation-of-charge confinement or "S-confinement," which is an extension of the Wilson area-law criterion to gauge + matter theories. I will show that there is a transition between S and C confinement in the phase plane of gauge-Higgs theories, and I will also explain what symmetry is actually broken in the Higgs phase of a gauge-Higgs theory.


Prof. Jeff Greensite (San Francisco State University) Dr Kazue Matsuyama (San Francisco State University)

Presentation materials