31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Meson spectroscopy and scattering from lattice QCD

5 Aug 2018, 16:30
Hall A (Arts Bldg.)

Hall A

Arts Bldg.

Talk B: Light quarks Light quarks


Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)


I will discuss some recent progress in studying excited and exotic mesons using first-principles lattice QCD calculations. In particular, I will present some new work on meson-meson scattering involving mesons with non-zero spin, an area which is important for understanding many of the various puzzling structures that have been observed in experiment but where so far lattice QCD calculations have been very limited. Highlights include a calculation of $\rho \pi$ isospin-2 scattering, where the mixing between the dynamically-coupled S and D-wave channels was determined, and some work on heavy exotic-flavour tetraquarks.

Primary author

Christopher Thomas (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials