Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

31 July 2018 to 6 August 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Progress in Two-Nucleon Spectroscopy

5 Aug 2018, 17:10
Hall D (Arts Bldg.)

Hall D

Arts Bldg.

Invited talk F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics


Evan Berkowitz


Anchoring the nuclear interaction in QCD is a long-outstanding problem in nuclear physics. While the lattice community has made enormous progress in mesonic physics and single nucleon physics, continuum-limit physical-point multi-nucleon physics has remained out of reach. I will review CalLat's strategy for multi-nucleon spectroscopy and our latest results.

Primary authors

Evan Berkowitz Enrico Rinaldi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Thorsten Kurth (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) Thorsten Kurth (Unknown) Kate Clark (NVIDIA) Andre Walker-Loud (LBNL) Dr Pavlos Vranas (LLNL) Amy Nicholson Amy Nicholson (New York University) Dr Arjun Gambhir (LLNL) Dr Balint Joo (JLab) Mr Henry Monge-Camacho (College of William and Mary, LBNL) Mr David Brantley (LBNL) Dr Kenneth McElvain (LBNL) Dr Chia Cheng Chang (iTHEMS RIKEN)

Presentation materials