Modifications to Jet Spectra and Substructure in PbPb Collisions with CMS

17 Jul 2018, 11:35
Charpak Amphitheater (Paris)

Charpak Amphitheater


UPMC (Jussieu) Campus


Christopher Mc Ginn (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))


Study of inclusive jet spectra and substructure are powerful tools to study modifications of the parton shower as it propagates through the hot and dense medium produced in PbPb collisions. The observed suppression of jet production and the modification to jet substructure results in strong constraints on jet quenching mechanisms in heavy ion collisions. Combining substructure measurements with a boson tag can provide an estimate of the initial parton energy before modification in the medium. In this talk, a radius scan of jet nuclear modification factor at high pt out to R=1.0 will be reported, in addition to the latest results inclusive and boson-tagged jet substructure. These results map the loss of jet energy outside of the cone in a theoretically controlled way.

Primary author

Collaboration CMS

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