http://www.hotelelyseeprague.cz Hotel Elysee
time to the venue: less than 20 min by metroHotel Elysee
Wenceslas Square 43
110 00, Prague 1Directions to the hotel:
Continuation of the directions from the travel to Prague page. Get off at Muzeum station and take exit labeled "Václavské náměstí". Due to reconstruction of a part of the platform in the Muzeum station of metro line A, the platform for the direction to Depo Hostivař is closed. Please see the DPP Web page for details.
Walk directions from Muzeum station to the Elysee Hotel
Directions to the venue:
Take the Metro "C" (Muzeum stop) in the direction Letňany, follow the directions on the Venue page.
https://www.hotelbelvedereprague.cz Hotel Belvedere
time to the venue: less than 20 min by metroHotel Belvedere Prague
Milady Horakove 19
170 00, Prague 7Directions to the hotel:
Continuation of the directions from the travel to Prague page. Get off the bus 119 (line from the airport) at the Divoká Šárka stop (do not go to the final stop Nádraží Veleslavín). At the Divoká Šárka stop change to the Tram number 26. Get off at the Kamenická stop. Continue on foot in the direction of the tram and you will find the hotel on the first crosroad on the right.
Walk directions from Kamenická stop to the Belvedere Hotel
Directions to the venue:
Take the tram 1, 12, 25 (at Kamenická stop) going downhill. At the Vltavská (second) stop change to the Metro "C" in the direction Letňany. And follow the directions on the Venue page.
https://www.parkhotel-praha.cz Parkhotel Praha
time to the venue: less than 20 min by metroPARKHOTEL Praha
Veletržní 20
170 00 Prague 7Directions to the hotel:
Continuation of the directions from the travel to Prague page. Get off the bus 119 (line from the airport) at the Divoká Šárka stop (do not go to the final stop Nádraží Veleslavín). At the Divoká Šárka stop change to the Tram number 26. Get off at the Strossmayerovo náměstí stop. Continue on foot on the left along the tram tracks (you can use tram (6,12,17) for one stop).
Walk directions from Strossmayerovo náměstí stop to the Parkhotel
Directions to the venue:
Take the tram 2, 6, 14, 15, 17 going south and go one stop (Strossmayerovo náměstí), or walk on foot along the tram tracks and take the tram 1, 12, 25 going downhill. Go one stop again (Vltavská) and change to the Metro "C" in the direction Letňany. Follow the directions on the Venue page.
Or you can walk all the way (750m). In most cases it will be faster. Walk directions
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