Colloquium Prague ν17

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry

Dolejškova 2155/3, 182 23 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Colloquium Towards CP violation in neutrino Physics

The aim of the Colloquium is to present a status and plans for CP violation measurement in neutrino experiments.  It plans to provide an overview of recent experimental results, theoretical predictions, experiments under construction and planned experiments to measure CP violation in lepton sector.
It consists of invited talks.

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory University of Oxford Charles University, Prague
  Institute of Physics, Prague  

The organizing committee:

David Wark, Oxford University/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Debbie Loader, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Rupert Leitner, Charles University, Prague
Vit Vorobel, Charles University, Prague
Milos Lokajicek, Institute of Physics AS CR, Prague
Nina Tumova, Institute of Physics AS CR, Prague

The event is supported by programme CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001787


Secretary: Nina Tumova
  • Thursday 2 November
    • 08:00
    • 1
      Speaker: Rupert Leitner (Charles University (CZ))
    • 2
      Recent results from the Daya Bay experiment
      Speaker: Zeyuan Yu (Institute of High Energy Physics, China)
    • 3
      Speaker: Seon Hee Seo (Seoul National University (KR))
    • 4
      CERN nu platform
      Speaker: Filippo Resnati (CERN)
    • 10:55
      Coffee Break
    • 5
      Speaker: Florian Fraenkle (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • 6
      Fermilab short baseline
      Speaker: Christos Touramanis (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 7
    • 13:10
      Lunch Cafeteria (Institute of Computer Science of Academy of Sciences)


      Institute of Computer Science of Academy of Sciences

    • 8
      Speaker: Mark Messier (IU)
    • 9
      IceCube and IceCube-Gen2

      The IceCube experiment, a cubic kilometre neutrino telescope, was built at the South Pole with the goal of observing high-energy neutrinos from beyond our solar system. This goal has been achieved with spectacular success, and now the collaboration aims to identify the sources of these interstellar neutrinos. At the heart of the IceCube detector a more densely instrumented region, called DeepCore, enables atmospheric neutrinos, with energies as low as 5 GeV, to be studied. These studies have led to a number of measurements of neutrino-oscillation phenomena, which will be the focus of my talk. I will present recent measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters and tau-neutrino appearance, and a search for sterile neutrinos. I will then talk about the future, outlining plans for the next phase of neutrino astronomy at the South Pole, IceCube-Gen2, and presenting the physics case, at both low and high energies, for this exciting new venture.

      Speaker: Justin Evans (University of Manchester (UK))
    • 10
      Speaker: Stefan Soldner-Rembold (University of Manchester (GB))
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • 11
      Global fits to neutrino oscillations: current status and robustness

      In this talk, I will summarize the current status of global neutrino
      oscillation analyses in the three-neutrino framework. I  will also
      discuss some scenarios where the precise measurement of the neutrino oscillation parameters, such as theta_13 or the CP violation phase, could be significantly affected by the presence of neutrino physics beyond the Standard Model.

      Speaker: Dr Mariam Tórtola (IFIC, Valencia University/CSIC)
    • 12
      Double Beta Decay Theory
      Speaker: Fedor Šimkovic (Comenius University)
    • 13
      Prospects of direct observation of lepton number violation: the search for neutrinoless double beta decay
      Speaker: Bela Majorovits (MPI for Physics)
    • 19:00
      Social Dinner
  • Friday 3 November
    • 14
      The JUNO detector
      Speaker: Marcos Dracos (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
    • 15
      The Physics of JUNO
      Speaker: Gioacchino Ranucci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 16
      Speaker: Seon Hee Seo (Seoul National University (KR))
    • 10:45
      Coffee Break
    • 17
      v at Cosmology
      Speaker: Michal Malinský (Charles University (CZ))
    • 18
      DANSS (Detector of reactor AntiNeutrino based on SolidState Scintillator)

      The detector (described in arXiv:1606.02896) is located at ~11 m from the core of industrial reactor (Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant, Russia) and is in operation for about 1 year, Looking for short-range neutrino oscillations.
      At the moment, together with ČVUT ÚTEF we construct a new version of the detector which could be installed at Temelin NPP (Czechia).

      Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov (JINR)
    • 19
      Speaker: David Wark (Oxford University / RAL)
    • 12:50
      Lunch, Farewell Cafeteria (Institute of Computer Science of Academy of Sciences)


      Institute of Computer Science of Academy of Sciences