Scientific programme
The aim of the Colloquium is to present a status and plans for CP violation measurement in neutrino experiments. It plans to provide an overview of recent experimental results, theoretical predictions, experiments under construction and planned experiments to measure CP violation in lepton sector. It consists of invited talks.
Confirmed talks
Daya Bay | Zeyuan Yu |
JUNO | Marcos Dracos |
JUNO 2 | Gioacchino Ranucci |
NOvA | Mark Messier |
DUNE | Stefan Soldner-Rembold |
CERN Neutrino Platform | Filippo Resnati |
DANSS | Viacheslav Egorov |
Fermilab Short baseline | Christos Touramanis |
T2K, T2HK | |
RENO | Seon-Hee Seo |
Korean Neutrino Observatory | Seon-Hee Seo |
IceCube | Justin Evans |
Katrin | Florian Fraenkle |
Double Beta Decay theory | Fedor Simkovic |
Double Beta Decay experiment | Bela Majorovits |
Global fits of neutrino data | Mariam Tórtola |
Neutrinos in Cosmology | Michal Malinsky |
Closeout | David Wark |