ANL Analysis Jamboree

Bld 360 Rm 224 (ANL ASC)

Bld 360 Rm 224


The next Analysis Jamboree at ANL ASC (9-11 Sept, 2009) will have two themes. * (9 Sept. and morning 10 Sept.) Hands-on sessions with experts on ATLAS analysis software. Beginners as well as more advanced users will benefit. The examples will culminate with an analysis using the recent ATLAS cosmic data. * (afternoon 10 Sept and morning 11 Sept) Tier3g (T3g). Being able to analyze one TB of ATLAS data overnight at a small local cluster will change the way you think about how you will get your results. Prototype T3g at ANL will be explained and demonstrated. The participants will be able to run jobs at the T3g PC Farm for themselves. The meeting will be on EVO. 9 Sept Title: ANL ASC Analysis Jamboree Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1210631 10 Sept Title: ANL ASC Analysis Jamboree Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1210664 11 May Title: ANL ASC Analysis Jamboree Community: ATLAS Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL - Phone Bridge ID: 1210653 EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: --------------- - USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA) +1 626 395 2112 - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - USA (BNL, Upton, NY) +1 631 344 6100