4–12 Jul 2018
Europe/Athens timezone
Group photo: indico.cern.ch/event/663474/images/19808-ICNFP_2018_Group_Photo.JPG

Noncommutative Geometry: Why and how?

4 Jul 2018, 09:45
Room 1

Room 1

Oral presentation Lectures Lectures


Michal Eckstein (University of Gdansk)


The idea that spacetime might be quantised was already pondered by Heisenberg in 1930s, as a potential remedy to the divergencies lurking in quantum electrodynamics. However, the concept of a ‘noncommutative spacetime geometry’ needed over a half of century to become established as a mathematical structure. Although it has not fulfilled the original Heiseberg’s dream (so far), it revealed a completely new perspective on fundamental physics and has found applications ranging from condensed matter and particle physics to gravity and cosmology.

The lecture will be a friendly introduction to the misty realm of noncommutative geometry. I shall discuss the motivations and basic mathematical concepts basing on the operational paradigm of physics.

Primary author

Michal Eckstein (University of Gdansk)

Presentation materials