A 14-Gbps/ch VCSEL Array Driving ASIC in 65 nm CMOS for High-Energy Physics Experiments

10 Dec 2018, 15:40
Activity Center (Academia Sinica, Taipei)

Activity Center

Academia Sinica, Taipei

128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
POSTER Front end electronics and readout Poster section


Dr Di Guo (Central China Normal University)


850nm VCSEL array light source combined with multi-mode fibers has been prevailingly employed in the commercial short-range data transmission scenarios with the advantages of relatively easy driven, low cost, high density and reasonably high bandwidth. Besides, the natural radiation-tolerant feature of the GaAs-based VCSEL also makes this combination very competitive in the high-energy physics readout applications. As a continuous study on the radiation-tolerant custom array optical module development and VCSEL driver design, here we report the design and test results of a 4 x 14 Gbps/ch VCSEL array driver ASIC implemented in 65m CMOS technology. Each channel of the driver receives 200 mVp-p differential CML signals, and outputs a 2 mA bias current and a 5 mA modulation current at 14 Gbps/ch with the power consumption of 52 mW/ch.

The driver die features a size of 2000 µm × 1230 µm, and the channel height is 250 µm to be compatible with the VCSEL array die. The analog core of each channel consists of a limiting amplifier (LA) and a novel output driving structure. The LA is composed of an equalizer stage and a four-stage pre-driver. The output driver adopts the on-chip AC-coupling and a stacked tail-current source to remove the traditional cascode voltage-drop NMOS to improve the bandwidth. The bandwidth bottleneck of the output driving stage is effectively resolved for the 14-Gbps application without using any complex peaking or pre-emphasis structures.

This driving ASIC has been taped out and fully evaluated after wire-bonded to the four channel VCSEL array and integrated into an array optical transmitter. Widely-open 14 Gbps optical eyes have been captured, and full channel optical test results will be reported in the meeting.


Dr Di Guo (Central China Normal University) Quan Sun (Southern Methodist University) Datao Gong (Southern Methodist Univeristy) chaosong gao (Central China Normal University) Chonghan Liu (Southern Methodist University) Le Xiao (Central China Normal University) Jingbo Ye (Southern Methodist University, Department of Physics) Mr Wei Zhou (Centra China Normal University, Southern Methodist University)

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