4th ATTRACT TWD Workshop "Ideas from the Young" (Trieste)

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Marco Peloi (Elettra), Mojca Franceskin (Elettra)


Attracting Young Talents to Imagine the Detectors of the Future

Elettra Sincrotrone TriesteAREA Science Park, and INFN Trieste, in collaboration with ATTRACT, are presenting the Workshop-Hackathon “Ideas from the Young” event to be held in Trieste, Italy, on April 19-20, 2018. 


#AttractYoung Hackathon aims to attract young talents to brainstorm together societal challenges of tomorrow and to imagine how to respond to these challenges, how to solve the problems and how to relief the pains using detector and imaging technologies of the future.


It is experience or user-driven: instead of starting with a new technology addressing future scientific or industrial challenges in detection and imaging, the #AttractYoung Hackathon starts with societal challenges that need to be addressed – or better – solved, by 2025, relying on detection and imaging technologies, which might not yet even exist.

The targeted participants are students, who are not necessarily yet familiar with detection and imaging technologies.


Why Should I Join?

  • You’ll have a unique opportunity to dive into the magic word of detectors and sensors. Assisted by world-class detector experts.
  • You’ll spend two great days hacking with open-minded people from different study programs and from all genders and cultural background driven to solve societal challenges.
  • You’ll be challenged to think different with people who think different.
  • You’ll get the chance to co-design the future.
  • You’ll meet and work together with your peers from all over the Europe.
  • Your ideas will be heard and exposed.


Click on “Call for Challenges” to submit your idea! —> here we should include the link to F6S (https://www.f6s.com/attractyounghackathon/apply)


- Call for challenges: 

Visit the submit-your-idea page (the text links to https://www.f6s.com/attractyounghackathon/apply) and follow the instructions.

Please note that you’ll have to submit the Letter of Motivation. You might consider to prepare it before starting with the submission of your idea. It needs to contain the following information:

  1. Personal statement of why you want to join a cross-disciplinary team (what you expect to bring into it and get from it) – max 300 words
  2. Describe a challenge you are interested to work on solving during the hackathon (include three keywords to describe the challenge) and in what way(s) you think you could contribute towards developing new approaches or tools to address the challenge – max 300 words

- Time table:

There are some changes at the beginning of the first day and at the end of the second day. Please see: https://attractyoung.wordpress.com/submityouridea/info/


- Book of Challenges

 4th ATTRACT TWD hackathon ”AttractYoung” (Trieste)


- Registration

Go here https://www.f6s.com/attractyounghackathon/apply
