6–12 Aug 2018
University of Oxford
Europe/London timezone

Frequently asked questions

Q: What does registration fee cover?
A: Registration fee covers participation in the school, staying in St Anne's College, breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches and centralised meals, e.g. school reception and closing dinner at Somerville College.

Q: Why do you need to confirm the place?
A: We want to make sure that the participants that will benefit the most from the school will get to attend.

Q: Should I book hotel for myself? 
A: No, it is part of the registration. If you live nearby you can register without accommodation.

Q: Are there any preparation materials I can take into account?
A: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/rpmuller/5920182https://www.codecademy.com/tracks/python, or you can have a look at the materials from MLHEP-2015 (github), MLHEP-2016 (github), MLHEP-2017 (github).

Q: Is there any financial support available for some of the participants?
A: Yes, limited support is available, thanks to our sponsors, but you can only apply for the scholarship by the end of early registration deadline. Please provide as much details as possible about your case in 'comments' field of the registration form. Include why you need the support, how you will benefit from the school. Also please send us a reference letter (see email on the left).