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Quantum scale symmetry via constrained dimensional regularization

24 Jul 2018, 17:40
Room B

Room B


Pawel Olszewski (University of Warsaw)


I will describe a version of the dimensional regularization of a classically scale invariant theory, motivated by the requirement to preserve scale invariance at the level of loop corrections. The theory is embedded in a nonrenormalizable Lagrangian, where both the dimensionful regulator \mu and suppression scale of higher-dimensional interactions are interpreted as a vev of a new dynamical scalar field that mixes with the Higgs. The method is applied to an SM-like theory, where the electroweak symmetry and the scale symmetry are broken spontaneously together. The shape of the scalar effective potential and interpretation of the high energy Higgs vacuum are modified. Based on: arXiv:1608.05336 (Eur.Phys.J.C76(2016)no.12,656), arXiv:1612.09120 (Phys.Rev.D96(2017)no.5,055034).

Parallel Session Electroweak, Top and Higgs Physics

Primary author

Pawel Olszewski (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials