Joint Astro & Particle Physics Meeting
Multipurpose Hall (C-201), Guest House
A one-day meeting, "Joint Astro & Particle Physics meeting" on Feb 25th (Sunday), is co-organized by the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) and Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune as an activity of the IUCAA-IISER Centre for Gravitational Physics and Astronomy (CGPA). This meeting is designed to explore focus areas of common interests between Astrophysicists & Cosmologists with participants of the Second Workshop of the Indo-French Network in High Energy Physics (LIA THEP and CEFIPRA INFRE-HEPNET) that would follow during Feb 26-28, 2018 at IISER, Pune. We expect this program to strengthen the bridges between the Astrophysics and Particle physics communities.
Meeting venue : Multipurpose Hall (C-201), Guest House, IISER-Pune