Opening day
Submission deadline
The User Forum is a key annual event organised by the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project. The forum provides an important opportunity to scientific communities exploiting distributed infrastructure technologies, to present their work, discuss technology usage with colleagues, and learn about advances in middleware and application services.
The 5th EGEE User Forum will take place on 12-16 April 2010 in Uppsala, Sweden. The event is organized in collaboration with the European Grid Initiative (EGI) and the Nordic DataGrid Facility (NDGF), and will be hosted by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), the Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX) and PDC - Center for High Performance Computing at KTH. This year the User Forum marks the end of the EGEE series of projects and the transition to a sustainable European e-Infrastructure model led by EGI, the European Grid Initiative. UF5 will help pave the ground for this transition by expanding its focus to cover a broader scope of European e-infrastructures and distributed computing technologies, providing the opportunity for the first time to all the relevant users community to meet, interact and collaborate.
The scientific programme consists of daily plenary sessions featuring distinguished keynote speakers, followed by parallel sessions focusing on e-Infrastructure use within the various user disciplines, and also on specific supporting technologies. Sessions for demonstrations and posters will augment the oral programme, and provide a key element of the forum.
The programme committee invites abstracts for contributions in one of following general topics:
Contributions may be offered the possibility of either an oral presentation, a poster or a demonstration. The Programme Committee will assume responsibility for assigning proposed contributions to the various parts of the event. The demonstrations can follow any of the above topics and must have a strong requirement for a visual or interactive presentation. Contributors should make sure that enough people will register and attend the User Forum in order for the demonstration to be manned continuously during one of the two dedicated demo sessions planned for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.
The Programme Committee expects that submitted abstracts follow the pre-defined template provided online from the User Forum abstract submission and scientific program management system: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=69338. This will facilitate the evaluation of the abstracts and the production of a "Book of Abstracts" summarizing the contributions. Abstracts must be submitted using the “Submit a new abstract page” under the Call for Abstracts section in the above link. In the submission template it should be indicated whether an oral submission could be placed as a poster if required and who among the authors will be responsible for giving the presentation. Precise information will be provided for the preparation of oral presentations, posters and demonstrations. Prospective authors should read the “Author Instructions” section which provides important information regarding abstract submission. Abstracts submitted via other means (email, etc.) or after the submission deadline will not be taken into consideration. Any enquiries regarding abstract submission should be forwarded to the Programme Committee chair.
More information
EGEE project home page: www.eu-egee.org
UF5 official web site: http://egee-uf5.eu-egee.org
Vangelis Floros, GRNET (efloros_AT_grnet.gr)
Erwin Laure, PDC/KTH (erwinl_AT_pdc.kth.se)