5:00 PM
Eliminating and preventing Grid Security Vulnerabilities to reduce security risk
Linda Ann Cornwall
(Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science &)
5:03 PM
jGridstart: request, obtain, and install grid user certificates in a friendly way
Willem van Engen
5:06 PM
Checking Grid Certificate Profile Compliance
Stuart Kenny
5:09 PM
Modelling aerosol pollution over Athens, Greece using grid technology
Eleni Athanasopoulou
5:12 PM
gLite Porting to the Play Station 3 using ETICS for electronic High Throughput Screening (eHiTS)
John Walsh
(Trinity College Dublin)
5:18 PM
The HELIO project.
Gabriele Pierantoni
(Trinity College Dublin)
5:21 PM
Migration of the MAGIC data transfers to a Grid infrastructure
Roger Firpo Curcoll
(Port d'Informació Científica)
5:24 PM
Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications in EGEE with MaWo
Oleg Sukhoroslov
(Centre for Grid Technologies and Distributed Computing, ISA RAS)
5:27 PM
The APEL CPU Usage Accounting Infrastructure for NGI Grids
Cristina Del Cano Novales
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
Gilles Mathieu
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
John Casson
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
John Gordon
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
Ming Jiang
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
William Rogers
(e-Science Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom)
5:30 PM
Integration of Nagios plug-in into a data model to improve the Grid stability from the user point of view
Silvio Pardi
(INFN - Naples Unit)
5:33 PM
Data awareness in gqsub
Stuart Purdie
(University of Glasgow)
5:36 PM
Experiences with a lightweight GRID infrastructure using AFS
Gillian Sinclair
(University of Manchester)
5:39 PM
Supporting 60 e-Science applications from Europe and Latin-America: Best practices and analysis extracted from the EELA-2 project
Leandro Ciuffo
(Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN))
Riccardo Bruno
(Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN))
Roberto Barbera
(Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and University of Catania)
5:42 PM
Job management in gLite
Marco Cecchi
5:45 PM
Harnessing Heterogeneous Computing Resources for Solving Hard Computational Problems
Mikhail Posypkin
5:48 PM
Gustav : a lightweight approach to CPU accounting
Emidio Giorgio
5:51 PM
An integrated monitoring system for Grid Data Centers
Guido Russo
(Universita' Federico II & INFN, Napoli)
5:54 PM
MEG - MyProxy Enabled GSISSHD
Kevin Haines
5:57 PM
Using the EELA-2 grid Infrastructure to Perform HeModynamics Computer Simulations: The HeMoLab Experience
Paulo G. P. Ziemer
(LNCC - National Lab for Scientific Computing)
6:00 PM
grid-CICADA – Efficient Explorer of Conformational Space of Biomolecular Systems
Jakub Stepan
(National Centre for Biochemical Research, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic)
6:03 PM
Stellar energy flux modeling under SYNTSPEC application
Gražina Tautvaišienė
Šarūnas Mikolaitis
6:06 PM
Performance evaluation of the Estimated Response Time strategy: tools, methods and an experiment
Alain Cady
6:09 PM
Visualizing the dynamics of e-science social networks
Cecile Germain-Renaud
6:12 PM
Trading Computing Resources across gLite and XtreemOS Platforms
Pushpinder Chouhan
6:15 PM
Monitoring CREAM Jobs in RTM via L&B
Aleš Křenek
6:18 PM
A new middleware component for job monitoring in interactive mode: The SCoPE Experience
Silvio Pardi
(INFN - Naples Unit)
6:21 PM
ASC: an Adaptive Scheduling Controller
Giovanni Battista Barone
(University of Naples Federico II)
6:24 PM
Programming gLite without an UI - a JavaGAT adaptor for gLite
Thomas Zangerl
6:27 PM
GILDA training infrastructure: present successes and future triumphs
Valeria Ardizzone
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare sez. catania)
6:30 PM
A Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment for QTL Analysis in R
Salman Zubair Toor
(Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Box 337, SE-751 05, Uppsala, Sweden)
6:33 PM
Earth Science and Astrophysics Applications in Armenia: Present and Perspectives
Hrachya Astsatryan
6:36 PM
Data Mining and Integration of Environmental Applications
Ladislav Hluchy
(Institute of Informatics, Slovakia)
6:39 PM
Development plans of the EGEE Operations Portal and dashboard towards and EGI/NGI infrastructure
Helene Cordier
6:42 PM
Grid-CSIC project: porting astrophysic applications to Grid
(IAA. Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
6:45 PM
Grid preprocessing application for Environment monitoring in Moldova
Veaceslav Sidorenco
6:48 PM
Configuration and optimization for a gLite grid computing farm.
Giacinto Donvito
6:51 PM
Maintaining Corpus Download Facilities with Changing Technology
Dieter van Uytvanck
(Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
6:54 PM
Earth Science applications of the ES Virtual Research Community
Monique Petitdidier
6:57 PM
Workflow support for multinode tests of Grid components
Robert Lovas