With the availability of commodity Distributed Computing Infrastructures, scientists are confronted with the problem of finding the right abstractions and tools to hide the distribution and heterogeneity of the underlying system, in order to process their data effectively and efficiently. Different solutions are presented and discussed in this session, which will be closed by a presentation on the experiences and results of the ETICS project.
Massimo Lamanna
(CERN), Dr
Shantenu JHA
4/15/10, 9:00 AM
Programming environments
An increasingly important requirement for solving complex scientific problems is the simultaneous use of qualitatively different resources, from simple batch nodes to supercomputers. We present a project where Ganga and DIANE user-level middleware tools are used in connection with SAGA, a high-level Grid API, to achieve an improved quality of service when using resources across multiple...
Shantenu Jha
(Louisiana State University)
4/15/10, 9:20 AM
Programming environments
The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA), has demonstrated its ability to provide a simplified and uniform multi-language access layer to heterogeneous grid middleware stacks. SAGA already provides support for Unicore and gLite, and extensions to ARC via OGSA-BES as well as generic DRMAA support are already being developed or planned. First SAGA application integration tests within EGEE...
Anar Manafov
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany)
4/15/10, 9:40 AM
Software services exploiting and/or extending grid middleware (gLite, ARC, UNICORE etc)
PROOF on Demand (PoD) is a set of utilities, which allows starting a PROOF cluster at a user request, on any resource management system. It provides a plug-in based system, to use different job submission frontends, such as LSF or gLite WMS. PoD is fully automated, and no special knowledge is required to start to use it.
isabel matranga
(Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA and ETICS2 team member)
4/15/10, 10:00 AM
Support services and tools for user communities
ETICS is a software build, test and quality certification system which, after four years of development activities and use by the research environment, is now mature to start its way into the commercial software development environment. The experimentation of the use of ETICS also in the commercial environment was part of the challenge since the very beginning. This experimentation has now...