Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Author Instructions

Author Instructions for Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be submitted using the CERN Indico system by clicking the Submit a new Abstract menu item on the left of this page. Abstracts submitted via other means (email, etc.) or after the submission deadline will not be taken into consideration.

A submission form has been prepared that facilitates the abstract submission. Below are detailed instructions on how to fill it. Start by providing a title for the abstract and then proceed with the main text. The main body of the abstract is split into four different fields with strictly defined maximum lengths:

Short overview: Short description and scope of presented work. (max 500 chars)

Detailed analysis: Detailed description of the work planned or achieved. Should include technical details, challenges faced, and technical or other problems that you had to overcome etc. (max 1000 chars)

Impact: Description of the work results. Quantitative information should be provided where applicable. Justification of the significance of the work and how it impacted the domain should be provided. Moreover the originality of the work should be compared to similar existing activities. (max 1000 chars)

Conclusions and Future Work: Short concluding summary. Description of the plans for further development/work to be performed and the technical challenges and other problems that you anticipate to overcome in order to achieve the expected goals. (max 500 chars)

Apart from the main abstract text the following information must also be provided with each submission:

URL for further information: Provide a link to a web site or page where more information can be found for the presented work. (mandatory)

Keywords: A set of generic keywords that identify the contribution. Such keywords for instance can be the scientific discipline (HEP, Biomedicine, Medical Imaging etc), the grid technology that is being involved (Data Management, Workload Managements, Workflows etc), etc. The above will aid significantly the review process and also facilitate the production of the Book of Abstracts. (mandatory)

Justification for performing a demo and the technical requirements: For abstracts intended for demonstrations additional information must be provided. This has to be a short justification as to why a demonstration is required, and what are the technical requirements for delivering it (specific network requirements, display facilities etc). (mandatory ONLY for demonstration contributions)

Presentation type: This can be an oral presentation, poster or demonstration. Select which applies to the intended type of contribution. Keep in mind that the Programme Committee will assume responsibility for appropriately assigning proposed contributions to the different parts of the event. (mandatory)

Primary Authors: List of primary authors. For each author the name, affiliation and contact details must be provided. Please, indicate, by ticking the appropriate checkbox next to the respective author’s name, who among the primary authors will attend the event and be responsible for presenting the contribution. If the abstract is accepted for the demonstration session this person will be the primary contact of the team responsible for manning the booth and delivering the demo. (mandatory)

Co-Authors: List of co-authors. As with the primary authors, name, affiliation and contact details must be provided for all co-authors.

Track classification: IMPORTANT: For each abstract at least one forum track should be selected that best defines the context of the activity.( More than one track can be selected.) This information, among others, will facilitate the placement of your abstract in an appropriate session (primarily for oral presentations). See the "Scientific Programme" page for detailed information on the available tracks in order to select the one that best applies for your work.

Comments: Please provide any other comments you wish to pass to the Program Committee.

Please note that abstracts not adhering to the above instructions will be rejected. This is because accepted abstracts will be included in the official Book of Abstracts that will be distributed during the event, and also to unify the refereeing process.