Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Regional Activities, International Projects and Collaborations

Apr 14, 2010, 11:00 AM
Uppsala University

Uppsala University


International grids cross national boundaries, spanning cultures, languages and technologies to create international resources and enable global science. With hundreds of grids running worldwide, there are many lessons to be learnt from international projects and collaborations, and this session brings together representatives of grids in Europe, Latin America, South Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. Key to European science in the future will be the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures roadmap projects. This session explores integrating instrumentation with e-Infrastructures for the potential benefit of these projects, as well as presenting case studies of combining Virtual Research Environments (VREs) with grid technologies.

Dissemination activities such as publications, events, social media and community-building websites help to bring user communities together. This session gathers together best practices based on the lessons learnt during the EGEE project. Also explored are the requirements of experimental scientists to steer, control and monitor instruments and sensors remotely. A prototype system developed by DORII will be presented. The D4Science-II project provides a number of VREs to address the needs of the Fisheries and Aquaculture community. Case studies discussed include the Aquamaps VRE that generates species distribution maps, the ICIS VRE’s repository of statistical datasets and the FCPPS VRE, which provides country profile report templates.

SEE-GRID in South Eastern Europe will present improvements to the usability and services for its end users, including operational tools for monitoring, alerting, job tracking and security as well as application services such as advanced workflows, better data and file management and new applications platforms. EELA-2 in Latin America also presents its enhancements to the functionality of the gLite middleware, which has widened the number of potential applications and sped up the porting process.

The Nordic Data Grid Facility’s experiences in bringing on board a new user community, the materials science virtual organisation are also presented. The main goal of the project was to enable non-LHC scientists to run their jobs on ARC enabled resources. On a wider scale, the South African National Grid Initiative aims to deploy a production-quality regional e-Science infrastructure for all South African researchers. Benefits are already being seen in the areas of physics, geomatics and bioinformatics and, through collaboration with the HP/UNESCO project, the seeds of the first regional African grid initiative. EUAsiaGrid brings together researchers from the Asia-Pacific region, and presents its progress in building, maintaining and developing e-Infrastructure within the region, together with a roadmap towards a sustainable and persistent multinational digital platform.

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