Conclusions and Future Work
Here we present the current state of EUAsiaGrid. Based on the 18 months of existence of the project the current achievements will be presented and discussed. Moreover, the planned advances in the field of sustainability and further globalization of cyber infrastructure will be demonstrated.
Detailed analysis
Internally, the EUAsiaGrid project is divided into several work packages responsible for distinct aspects of the overall tasks (dissemination, training, application support). A set of application domains as disaster mitigation, social science, computational chemistry, biomedicine and bioinformatics and high energy physics has been recognized from the beginning of the project thus forming the critical mass of end users who could profit from the EUAsiaGrid. As the regional researchers represent the key element gluing together the fabric infrastructure, underlying services and targeted applications within EUAsiaGrid project, the main focus is to attract all possible users through active search for new application areas that could benefit from the run in distributed environment.
The main purpose of our contribution is to inform about current advances concerning building, maintenance and continuous development of e-Infrastructure within the Asia-Pacific region. To fully utilize the momentum obtained through EUAsiaGrid project, the current activities are pointed towards a transformation into a completely sustainable and persistent Asia-Pacific e-Infrastructure, fully integrated into the global grid environment. In short term view, a EUAsiaGrid Roadmap document describing the policies and organizational steps necessary for seamless formation of uniform, multinational digital platform is being formulated. The long term sustainability of the grid infrastructure in the region will be further supported and achieved through the incorporation of EUAsiaGrid into emerging European global grid infrastructure.
URL for further information | http://www.euasiagrid.org/ |
Keywords | EUAsiaGrid, grid, distributed computing; roadmap |