Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone


ESFRI session

Apr 13, 2010, 4:00 PM
Uppsala University

Uppsala University


The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Roadmap states that Research Infrastructures “often require structured information systems related to data management, enabling information and communication. These include ICT-based infrastructures such as Grid, computing, software and middleware.” and continues with “e-Infrastructures are critical to all projects in this roadmap”.

A dialog has started between individual ESFRI projects and existing ICT-based infrastructures to understand how best they can make use of e-Infrastructures.

A session at EGEE09 (Barcelona, September 2009) saw 11 ESFRI projects outline their views and the e-infrastructure projects explained how they can help. From this session emerged the common wish to work closer together and elaborate better the e-infrastructure requirements for the future. Subsequently there have been a number of meetings organised by the EC and the ESFRI projects themselves that have advanced the understanding.
The e-infrastructure projects have jointly, via the European Einfrastructure Forum, made an initial survey of the requirements.

At this session we will check the status of the interaction, present a first analysis of the requirements and plan how to proceed for the future.
This will also be the opportunity for those ESFRI projects, that were not present at earlier events, to become aware of the developments and present their requirements.

Presentation materials

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Bob Jones (CERN)
4/13/10, 4:00 PM
Georg Heinrich Hansen
4/13/10, 4:10 PM
John Shepherdson (UK Data Archive)
4/13/10, 4:30 PM
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