Fusion activities have overpassed the grid during the last period, since we implemented several complex workflows among applications that run on different architectures, including gird and High Performance Computers. During the session, the main achievements on application porting, as well as on complex workflows implementation on grids and HPCs will be presented.
Apart from EGEE, there exist the EUFORIA project that links the fusion, the grid and the HPC communities and allow the building of workflows among applications that explain different aspects of the physics involved in fusion reactors.
Francisco Castejón
4/14/10, 11:00 AM
Scientific results obtained using distributed computing technologies
Grid computing developments have increased substantially in fusion research.
A great variety of applications have been ported to the grid in the frame of EGEE, EELA and EUFORIA projects. These applications belong to different plasma physics domains and different strategies have been used to port them, depending on the nature of the applications. These codes are ready to establish workflows...
Manuel Rodriguez-Pascual
4/14/10, 11:20 AM
End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies
Monte Carlo codes constitute a powerful tool for scientific computing. Because of their architecture their parallelization is straightforward, and they have been successfully ported to the Grid in multiple occasions. However, there is still a lack of a deep analysis on their optimization for being executed on a distributed environment. To solve this issue we present Montera, a framework that...
Igor Semenov
(RRC "Kurchatov institute")
4/14/10, 11:40 AM
End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies
The services for user-friendly metadata navigation and data delivery have been developed. The metadata service enables exploring of fusion-specific data storage via a web browser. The data delivery service allows to download a required piece of data from Storage Elements using a link obtained from the metadata service.
Vladimir Voznesensky
(Kurchatov Institute)
4/14/10, 12:00 PM
Experiences from application porting and deployment
Two developed technologies are shown. The top one is a method for the massive modelling of X-ray propagation in carbon films found in fusion devices as well as numerical reconstruction of such films composition. The basic technology is the strongly re-factored GIF portal that allows the development of high-level logics and user web interface for such grid applications.