Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fusion metadata navigation and data delivery services

Apr 14, 2010, 11:40 AM
Room XIII (Uppsala University)


Uppsala University

Oral End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies Fusion


Dr Igor Semenov (RRC "Kurchatov institute")


The services for user-friendly metadata navigation and data delivery have been developed. The metadata service enables exploring of fusion-specific data storage via a web browser. The data delivery service allows to download a required piece of data from Storage Elements using a link obtained from the metadata service.

Conclusions and Future Work

The proposed services are intended to demonstrate data management on the basis of the semantic description of the CODAC system domain. They could serve as the complete components for fusion research social networks for joint exploitation of data from ITER and other fusion facilities. The navigation service could also be used as part of the CODAC human-machine interface to assist ITER personnel


The services for GUI metadata navigation, data selection from Storage Elements and data delivery to an end user have been developed. The proposed solution should simplify the deployment of the ITER IT-infrastructure, and the involvement of existing facilities.

Detailed analysis

In the course of the conceptual design of the ITER data acquisition and control system (CODAC) existing solutions for fusion data acquisition, storage and delivering were considered. However, it turned out that the set of existing data management systems used by fusion community does not satisfy the requirements. Solutions designed forthe Large Hadron Collider are not able to cover CODAC requirements entirely. In this work we propose a service for navigation over semantically linked metadata which describe the structure of ITER data sets. The service provides an intuitively clear GUI assisting the user to understand interrelations between entities in CODAC system knowledge domain. The GUI application uses Stellaris information service to store metadata. Stellaris allows to store ontologies and knowledge bases described in RDF and OWL languages. Semantic nets describing CODAC system knowledge domain provide URL's of related web-pages (similar to Wikipedia ones) and URL's to make requests to data delivery service. The data delivery service selects data subsets in the form of Universal Access Layer's Consistent Physical Objects and other formats from Storage Elements emulating future ITER storages.

URL for further information http://vo.nfi.kiae.ru/fuworld
Keywords fusion, data management


Mr Nikolay Marusov (RRC "Kurchatov institute") Mr Sergey Portone (RRC "Kurchatov institute") Mr Vladimir Voznesensky (RRC "Kurchatov institute")


Dr Igor Semenov (RRC "Kurchatov institute")

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