Tiziana Ferrari
4/13/10, 11:20 AM
The production grid infrastructure in EGI-INSPIRE is built from resources provided by the participating partners. These are brought together into a secure, integrated, reliable infrastructure by EGI.eu through the federated operations of independent infrastructures. This presentation will provide an overview of the operational infrastructure and the development of the operational tools used to...
Michael Grønager
Michael Grønager
4/13/10, 11:40 AM
The EGI-InSPIRE project will rely on external software providers to develop the technology that meets the needs of EGI's user and operations community. The EGI.eu staff will work to collect and prioritise requirements across the community from the virtual research communities using the infrastructure and from the operations staff deploying the technology. It is expected that the technology...
Jamie Shiers
4/13/10, 12:00 PM
Support services and tools for user communities
At this last User Forum of the EGEE project, it is appropriate to consider how services for “heavy users” of Distributed Computing Infrastructures will continue to be provided. The role of the European Grid Initiative (EGI) has been discussed for some time now and a specific activity regarding Service Deployment is foreseen as part of the EGI InSPIRE (“Integrated Sustainable Pan-European...