Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

EGI InSPIRE HUC SA3 - Services for Heavy User Communities of DCIs

Apr 13, 2010, 12:00 PM
Auditorium (Uppsala University)


Uppsala University

Oral Support services and tools for user communities EGI Session


Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)


At this last User Forum of the EGEE project, it is appropriate to consider how services for “heavy users” of Distributed Computing Infrastructures will continue to be provided. The role of the European Grid Initiative (EGI) has been discussed for some time now and a specific activity regarding Service Deployment is foreseen as part of the EGI InSPIRE (“Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers Everywhere”) proposal. This talk explains which communities are targeted by the work that is foreseen and outlines mechanisms whereby its progress can be tracked. Moreover, it examines how the potential benefits – within individual communities, between them (e.g. common tools and services) as well as to the more general DCI community – can be achieved.

Detailed analysis

The communities identified as Heavy Users Communities (HUCs) within the EGI InSPIRE proposal are:
• High Energy Physics (HEP)
• Life Sciences (LS)
• Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)
• Computational Chemistry and Materials Sciences and Technologies (CCMST)
• Earth Sciences (ES)
• Fusion (F)
After briefly summarizing the main areas of work that are foreseen, this talk examines potential interactions between the communities and with the various “Virtual Research Communities”. Using well-known case studies, it attempts to quantify the value of previous spin-offs – such as the CERN Program Library as well as more recent and ubiquitous examples – and argues the case for long-term international and inter-disciplinary collaboration, either between related domains and/or based on shared technology.


The planned work addresses first and foremost the short to medium term priorities of the supported communities. This includes efficient exploitation of international distributed computing infrastructures which in turn leads to improved return on investment for the agencies funding the associated scientific work. However, the expected impact goes much further, both in terms of number of people affected, as well as the timescale of the project itself and the costs will be examined in terms of both direct and indirect benefits.

Conclusions and Future Work

By highlighting the value of interdisciplinary and international collaboration, this talk will emphasize both the short-term benefits of services for user communities that are heavy users of distributed computing infrastructures, as well as the much broader socio-economic spin-offs that clearly justify the associated investment.

URL for further information http://sites.google.com/site/egiinspiresa3/


Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN) Dr Maria Girone (CERN)

Presentation materials