Modesto Orozco
(Director Joint Research Program on Computational Biology. Institute of Reserach in Biomedicine and Barcelona Supercomputing Center.)
4/13/10, 9:00 AM
Life sciences is one of few areas of research where the complexity of the problems grows faster than our ability to deal with them from a computational point of view. Massive genomic projects have yield detail sequence information on all the species of human interest and we are now deriving meta-genomic information of complex ecosystems, including for example the human digestive system. In a...
Manish Parashar
(Rutgers University)
4/13/10, 9:45 AM
Emerging technologies (cloud, virtualization etc)
Significant strategic investments are quickly realizing a pervasive computational cyberinfrastructure that integrates large-scale computing, high-speed networks, massive data archives, instruments, observatories, experiments, and embedded sensors and actuators, and are catalyzing new thinking, paradigms and practices in computational science and engineering – those that are collaborative and...