The User Forum demonstration session traditionally provides the opportunity to mature research work and scientific activities, exposing highly interactive and visually appealing characteristics, to come and present their latest achievements. This year 20 demonstrations have been selected to be presented in two demo slots. For this purpose, the demonstrations are split in two groups each one scheduled for a different day. The first group of 10 demonstrations will be on display during the first slot on Monday afternoon, in parallel with the welcome cocktail, whereas the second group will be presented on Wednesday afternoon. Both sessions will be run in parallel with the poster sessions on display in the same area in the venue.
The demonstrations have been split into two logical groups based on their focus. Thus, on Monday the session will host demonstrations with more scientific focus; i.e. activities who will present scientific results achieved using a large scale Distributed Computing Infrastructures. On Wednesday, the interest will shift to more technical demonstrations, with the scheduled presentations focusing on advanced tools and technologies that facilitate the end-user/DCI interaction as well as on international projects and collaborations, which strive to extend and expand the current horizons of DCI infrastructure to novel technologies and paradigms. Some of these activities have been demonstrated in previous events, thus the attendees will have the opportunity to check upon their progress and be informed about latest results. Others, will be demonstrated for the first time.
Finally as with previous events, the best demonstrations will be selected form the EGEE External Advisory Committee and the event attendees. The best demos will be announced and awarded during the event’s closing plenary on Thursday.