Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Earthquake Disaster Mitigation on EUAsiaGrid

Apr 12, 2010, 6:00 PM
Aula (Uppsala University)


Uppsala University

Demonstration Scientific results obtained using distributed computing technologies Demo Session 1, Welcome Drink


Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing)


Although earthquakes are not predictable at the moment, with the aid of accurate seismic wave propagation analysis, we could simulate the potential hazards at all distances from possible fault sources by understanding the seismic wave velocity structure of the earth and the rupture process during large earthquakes. With the integration ofa strong ground-motion sensor network, an earthquake data center and seismic wave propagation analysis over gLite e-Infrastructure, we could have much better knowledge on the impact and vulnerability of potential earthquake hazards.


A pilot framework made of a gLite infrastructure supporting an earthquake sensor network, data center and also simulation of seismic wave propagation for earthquake disaster mitigation was implemented. The objective of this research is to evaluate e-Science anda Grid infrastructure for seismic wave propagation analysis, and to understand the possible impacts beforehand by quantitative seismic hazard assessment. Based on this collaboration, an accurate regional seismic wave propagation analysis model could be built by integrating more detailed topographical data from each participating countries. This is indeed the key to construct a useful and unique risk analysis for disaster mitigation. With the support of an e-Science Infrastructure, a substantial understanding of potential impacts at all distances from possible fault sources could be achieved relatively easy compared with quickly assembled ad-hoc efforts. Thus researchers are able to answer “what-if” questions by exploiting the possible impact of potential seismic events in advance. Implementation of such an infrastructure would benefit mitigating earthquake hazards by improving risk assessment and risk management.

Conclusions and Future Work

What we have accomplished could become a reference model for a global infrastructure to accumulate and integrate relevant data sources systematically for all disaster mitigation phases. To ease the access to all the services based on users workflow and to retain the maximal flexibility, a Seismology Science Gateway integating data, computation, workflow, services and user communities would be implemented based on typical use cases. In the future, extension of the earthquake wave propagation to tsunami mitigation would be feasible once the user community support is in place.

Detailed analysis

Regional integration of earthquake sesnor networks could aid in fast event reporting and accurate event data collection. Federation of earthquake data centesr entails consolidation and sharing of seismology knowledge. Capability building of seismic wave propagation analysis implies the predictability of potential hazard impacst. With the gLite infrastrucuture and the EUAsiaGrid collaboration framework, earth scientists from Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand etc. are working together to alleviate potential seismic threats by making use of Grid technologies. Internet-based integration of sensor networks will be adopted for better data management and integration purposes. Standardization of data contents, services and federation would be enforced by the virtual organization and EUAsiaGrid infrastructure. A cross continental e-infrastructure, based on EGEE and EUAsiaGrid, is established for seismic wave forward simulation and risk estimation. Both the computing challenge on seismic wave analysis among 5 European and Asian partners, and the data challenge for data center federation have been exercised and verified. An earthquake hazard map prototype will be implemented and evaluated .

URL for further information http://www.twgrid.org
Keywords Earthquake Simulation, Seismology, Disaster Mitigation, Grid technologies


Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing) Mr YiTao He (Academia Sinica Grid Computing)


Dr Simon Lin (Academia Sinica Grid Computing) Mr WeiLong Ueng (Academia Sinica Grid Computing)

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