Torsten Antoni
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
4/12/10, 3:30 PM
Support services and tools for user communities
In a worldwide distributed computing infrastructure such as EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) one of the challenging tasks is to build and maintain a reliable user support infrastructure. During the last years the GGUS (Global Grid User Support) system has been developed as EGEE’s answer to that challenge. GGUS is designed as a centrally coordinated distributed infrastructure that integrates...
Douglas Mcnab
(University of Glasgow)
4/12/10, 3:45 PM
Experiences from application porting and deployment
Within ScotGrid-Glasgow, primarily an ATLAS Tier-2 grid site, we are involved in supporting a number of local virtual organisations (VO)'s, including Electrical Engineers, Solid State Physicists (SSP) and Optics all with very specific non-high energy physics requirements (HEP). An account of the main issues and achievements that resulted from working with other groups at our site who sought...
Gergely Sipos
4/12/10, 4:00 PM
Experiences from application porting and deployment
In its third phase, the EGEE project flagged application porting as a critical service for the successful adoption of grid solutions by new users and new communities and includes “Application Porting Support” among its generic user support activities. The goal of the EGEE Application Porting Support group is to aid developers in effectively porting Virtual Organizations’ (VO) applications to...
Gergely Sipos
4/12/10, 4:15 PM
Experiences from application porting and deployment
The Grid Application Porting Support Centre (GASUC) of MTA SZTAKI has been established in 2007 to support potential users of grids getting their applications to distributed infrastructures. The support team is the leader of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group since 2008 and has been ported about 15 applications since then to various production VOs of the EGEE grid. This presentation...
Robin McConnell
4/12/10, 4:30 PM
Support services and tools for user communities
EGEE-III Networking Activity 3 (NA3) has the responsibility of coordinating and delivering user training and induction. The activity aims to train a wide variety of users, both those within the EGEE consortium and those from outside the project who make use of the EGEE Grid infrastructure. The presentation will present the evolution of training activities in the EGEE series of projects,...