12–16 Apr 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Latest achievements of the MTA SZTAKI Grid Application Support Centre

12 Apr 2010, 16:15
Room X (Uppsala University)

Room X

Uppsala University

Oral Experiences from application porting and deployment User Support and Services


Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI)


The Grid Application Porting Support Centre (GASUC) of MTA SZTAKI has been established in 2007 to support potential users of grids getting their applications to distributed infrastructures. The support team is the leader of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group since 2008 and has been ported about 15 applications since then to various production VOs of the EGEE grid. This presentation will give an overview of the latest applications and tools that the support centre has worked with, developed and operated.

Detailed analysis

The GASUC team is currently working with or completed 6 applications, these will be introduced during the talk:

  • OMNeT++ is a C++-based discrete event simulation package primarily targeted at simulating computer networks and other distributed systems. OMNET++ has been realized on gLite as a workflow application embedded into a scientific gateway.
  • The main goal of the NMMC3D application is the quantitative study of the structure and surface manifestation of mantle plumes on the surface of the Earth. The Grid based NMMC3D has been ported to gLite with P-GRADE Portal as a parameter study workflow application.
  • CFinder is a free software for finding and visualizing overlapping dense groups of nodes in networks, based on the Clique Percolation Method. The GASUC team is working together with the CFinder developers to enable the simulation on gLite and to offer it inside a science gateway for potential end users.
  • Biochemists from Hungary and the Netherlands are collaborating with GASUC to make them capable of using already grid-enabled applications of the EGEE life science community, and to enable their own research code on gLite grids.

Conclusions and Future Work

During EGEE-III GASUC will continue to provide application porting support activity to any user of the EGEE grid. As member of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group, GASUC is heavily involved in the transition to the EGI structure. With other members of the EGEE project, and with user support teams of the ARC and UNICORE communities GASUC are aiming at a joint project to unite the most important user support services under a single, coherent service activity. The project proposal is still under evaluation but its result will be known by the time of the User Forum.


Efforts of the MTA SZTAKI Grid Application Support Centre resulted in the porting ofseveral grid applications from various fields of science, thus significantly contributing to the visibility and scientific impact of the EGEE grid and of grid computing in general. These applications are all registered in the EGEE Application Database, and detailed technical explanation is provided on the Webpage of the Application Porting Support Group. The GASUC team was also very active on the further development of porting tools, primarily on generic science gateway frameworks. The presentation will highlight these achievements from the above described applications’ point of view.

URL for further information www.lpds.sztaki.hu/gasuc
Keywords Application porting, support, service, gridification, science gateway

Primary author

Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI)

Presentation materials