Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Lessons learnt from the EGEE Application Porting Support activity

Apr 12, 2010, 4:00 PM
Room X (Uppsala University)

Room X

Uppsala University

Oral Experiences from application porting and deployment User Support and Services


Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI)


In its third phase, the EGEE project flagged application porting as a critical service for the successful adoption of grid solutions by new users and new communities and includes “Application Porting Support” among its generic user support activities. The goal of the EGEE Application Porting Support group is to aid developers in effectively porting Virtual Organizations’ (VO) applications to the Grid. The presentation gives an overview of the key activities of this support service, its evolution during the EGEE project, and the lessons learnt by the provision of this service.

Conclusions and Future Work

Members of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group, and similar representatives of the ARC and UNICORE communities, are aiming at a joint project to unite the most important user support services under a single, coherent service activity. The project proposal is still under evaluation but its result will be known by the time of the User Forum. The presentation provides a perfect opportunity to inform the European Grid user community about the project status, and outline the methodologies of similar services to be provided under the EGI umbrella.


Efforts of the Application Porting Support Group resulted in the porting of several grid applications from various fields of science, thus significantly contributed to the visibility and scientific impact of the EGEE grid and of grid computing in general. These applications are all registered in the EGEE Application Database, and detailed technical explanation is provided on the Webpage of the Application Porting Support Group.

At the end of EGEE-III, at the beginning of EGI it is important for the wider European grid provider community to hear about the activities of the EGEE Application Porting Support Group, and to be aware of the possible ways of expanding such service towards the complete EMI middleware platform.

Detailed analysis

The EGEE-III application porting support group consists of grid middleware and high level tool experts from 6 countries from 3 continents. Group members worked together with scientists closely and became well informed about the needs of grid newcomers, and the typical problems these people are faced with. The presentation will give an overview of the typical problems that an EGEE user has to deal while he/she interacts with the infrastructure, and will represent the results that the Application Porting Group achieved to resolve such issues. The support group was highly active in reporting and resolving infrastructure problems; further developing generic application porting tools; preparing application examples and success stories. All these efforts aimed at minimizing the overhead to become an active user of the EGEE grid. The presentation will give an overview of similar user activities of ARC and UNICORE communities and will outline how these services can be unified in the EGI era.

URL for further information www.lpds.sztaki.hu/gasuc
Keywords Application, porting, gridification, user support service


Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI)

Presentation materials