Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Astronomy and Astrophysics

Apr 14, 2010, 2:00 PM
Uppsala University

Uppsala University


Astronomy & Astrophysics community is in EGEE since 2004 with two pilot applications now in EGEE-III. When the project started in 2008, five funded and eight unfunded partners joined the A&A cluster contributing with challenging applications and use-cases. To support these research groups, a number of A&A VOs are now in place in EGEE-III.

The 5th User Forum is the last one before the end of EGEE-III and the advent of EGI. This A&A session therefore is a good occasion to deeply discuss and analyze the work done during these two years, the maturity achieved by the astronomical community with the Grid and the real perspectives for the continuation of the work undertaken in EGEE also in EGI. For this reason the featured application has been chosen as it will report about the whole activity carried out in the astrophysical cluster in these two years.
The remaining oral contributions will report about the progress with Grid-related activities by research groups that already contributed to the cluster for several projects, namely the LOFAR radio telescope, the PAU survey (study the dark energy and its evidences such as the accelerated expansion of the Universe), the simulated data of the Planck mission (production of simulated data and discovery of non-gaussianity signatures using spherical wavelets) and the computing Grid used for the purposes of the Cerenkov Telescope Array.

Presentation materials

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4/14/10, 3:10 PM
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