Apr 12 – 16, 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Infrastructure Tools and Services

Apr 12, 2010, 3:30 PM
Uppsala University

Uppsala University


This session, on Infrastructure Tools and Services, covers a cross section of the emerging tools that are being created to make life easier for the VOs, as well as for individual users. The first talk, "A solution to distribute software packages at Grid sites using Squid" describes an alternative approach to making VO applications available at grid sites. The second talk, "Application Domain Accounting for EGI", focuses on the 'missing' functionality of the EGEE grid accounting systems: VO application-level accounting. The talk on "Site Status Board" gives an overview of the tool, how it is used by the LHC VOs, and how it could benefit other VOs. The penultimate talk, "Visual GRID Activity Monitoring in the Dashboard Framework", describes a Google Earth based monitoring application which visualizes grid activity and provides a very appealing tool for educational and public relations purposes. The final talk in this session, "Workflow repository, user specific monitor, and vulnerability analyzer in SEE-GRID", introduces some high-level services, which extend the gLite-based SEE-GRID infrastructure in order to ease several tasks of end-users and VO application developers.

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