Erwin Laure
(PDC-Centre of High Performance Computing, KTH)
4/12/10, 1:30 PM
Mikael Norrby
(Uppsala University)
4/12/10, 1:45 PM
Enric Mitjana
(European Commission)
4/12/10, 2:00 PM
Even if the scientific community is often not aware of it, the free movement of knowledge (also known as the "fifth freedom") is anchored in the Lisbon Treaty. Its Article 179 reads "The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its scientific and technological bases by achieving a European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely […]".
Juni Palmgren
(Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet)
4/12/10, 2:15 PM
As a result of a strategic research initiative by the Swedish government in the area of e-Science, a consortium of four universities have been able to substantially increase their research activities in the area. The Swedish e-science Research Centre (SeRC) is formed by the universities in Stockholm and Linköping -- KTH, Linköping University (LiU), Stockholm University (SU) and Karolinska...