Juni Palmgren
(Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet)
As a result of a strategic research initiative by the Swedish government in the area of e-Science, a consortium of four universities have been able to substantially increase their research activities in the area. The Swedish e-science Research Centre (SeRC) is formed by the universities in Stockholm and Linköping -- KTH, Linköping University (LiU), Stockholm University (SU) and Karolinska Institutet (KI) -- around the two largest high-performance computing (HPC) centres in Sweden: PDC at KTH and NSC at LiU. Research at SeRC is focused on the collaboration between tool makers and tool users, and brings together a core of nationally leading IT research teams with expertise in e-Science method development and leading scientists in selected application areas.
SeRC will provide a platform for increased collaboration between applied and method-oriented groups, with the aim to constitute a visionary e-Science node with a national scope and strong international ties. Work will evolve along three lines: (i) Formation of e-Science Communities that connect application groups with relevant core e-Science groups and computer experts at PDC and NSC, (ii) Research in core e-Science methods such as distributed resources, database technology, numerical analysis, visualization and interaction, mathematical modelling and parallel algorithms, focusing on problems critical for several e-Science communities, (iii) Closer collaboration between PDC and NSC, and a substantial increase in advanced support staff, which will turn the two centres into comprehensive e-Science enablers.
The general structure and scope of SeRC will be presented including examples of collaborative work in some of its communities.
Juni Palmgren
(Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet)