The session will focus on support to advanced users of the Grid in particular support to MPI parallel job execution and comlex workflows. In the first part of the session the activities of the MPI Task Force will be reported in the light of the recent work being carried out to improve the support at the site level for MPI execution. This will be followed by a report on the current level of support and open requests coming from the users of the MPI Working Group. Complex workflows involving both, serial and parallel jobs will be addressed in the final presentation.
John Walsh
(Trinity College Dublin/Grid-Ireland)
4/15/10, 9:00 AM
Software services exploiting and/or extending grid middleware (gLite, ARC, UNICORE etc)
The MPI Task Force (MPI-TF) was established in response to calls from the EGEE user communities and site administrators during the MPI session at EGEE09. Improvements in the overall deployment and support of MPI on the EGEE infrastructure were demanded. The objectives of the MPI-TF are to provide solutions which will improve the testing, installation and configuration of MPI-enabled...
Jeroen Engelberts
(SARA Reken- en Netwerkdiensten)
4/15/10, 9:30 AM
Support services and tools for user communities
An MPI Working Group has been setup with the goal to investigate why so few Grid sites support MPI and why so few people are using it. The Working Group has come up with a recommendation document in which the current issues with MPI on the Grid are analyzed, the reasons for non-usage are investigated and the plans for future expensions are summarized.
Antonio Gómez-Iglesias
4/15/10, 10:00 AM
Experiences from application porting and deployment
One typical problem to be solved by fusion codes, which is suitable for grid and parallel computing, is the parameter scan. There are several codes whose main purpose is to get results for wide parameter range. So it makes sense to build a tool that allows one to perform this parameter scan in an automated way. We have build and used a new tool suitable for solving this kind of problems:...