Complete scientific analyses are complex, usually involving multiple stages and multiple applications. Users now routinely take advantage of tools to manage complete analysis workflows, including the bookkeeping, job execution, and data management. This session contains presentations of new or improved workflow tools along with information about how those tools facilitate scientific analyses.
The agenda provides time for questions and discussions. Participants should be prepared to share their own experiences with workflow managers and their needs regarding improvements.
Frank Berretz
(FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences), Mr
Sascha Skorupa
(FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences)
4/15/10, 9:00 AM
Software services exploiting and/or extending grid middleware (gLite, ARC, UNICORE etc)
Most workflow management systems in Grid environments provide a push-oriented job distribution strategy, where jobs are explicitly delegated to resources. In those scenarios dedicated resources execute jobs according to the request of a workflow engine or Grid wide scheduler. This approach has various limitations, particularly if human interactions should be integrated in workflows. To support...
Romain Reuillon
4/15/10, 9:20 AM
End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies
OpenMOLE is a free and open source workflow engine providing distributed computing facilities, especially suited for scientific research in complex systems. Third-party software packages can be embedded in a workflow that
automatically transfers and processes their input and output (files and data). Embedded software packages are called "tasks". Any task within a workflow can be either...
Gergely Sipos
4/15/10, 9:40 AM
Programming environments
After the great success of the P-GRADE Portal MTA SZTAKI has created the second generation P-GRADE portal, called WS-PGRADE. WS-PGRADE is a Web based environment for both developers of grid based dataflow applications, and end users who need transparent access to grid based application services. The presentation gives an overview of the application developer functionalities of the WS-PGRADE...
Ashiq Anjum
(UWE Bristol, UK)
4/15/10, 10:00 AM
Programming environments
Most existing workflow systems are tightly integrated with middleware, which limit wide scale adoption and may limit efficient execution of workflows. Whereas the use of SAGA enables the use of multiple heterogeneous resources, there exists an initial but somewhat limited support for workflows using the SAGA specification. Thus to reconcile the advantages of the SAGA paradigm with broad usage...