Technologies such as clouds and virtualization are attracting a lot of interest in grid and e-science worlds. With respect to grid systems, they are often seen as complementary or as natural extensions, but sometimes as competitors. In this session, a number of talks will report experience in using cloud technology and services, as well as virtualization, in scientific applications. Other presentations present frameworks and tools to ease the integration of new technologies in the grid landscape. Overall, we will attempt to better understand the opportunities and potential pitfalls in adopting these technologies such that future architectures leverage this important pool knowledge acquired and shared by early adopters.
WeiLong Ueng
(Academia Sinica Grid Computing)
4/13/10, 11:00 AM
Software services exploiting and/or extending grid middleware (gLite, ARC, UNICORE etc)
The Grid Application Platform(GAP) is a middleware to reduce development efforts of e-Science implementation. The GAP development is stimulated by the systematic framework in which applications can easily well-formulated common components to build up new services and taking advantage of Grid without worrying about new technologies. Cloud technology of data management is of essential importance...
Charalampos Doukas
(University of the Aegean)
4/13/10, 11:20 AM
End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies
Cloud Computing provides functionality for managing information data in a distributed, ubiquitous and pervasive manner supporting several platforms, systems and applications. This work presents the implementation of a mobile system that enables electronic healthcare data storage, update and retrieval using Cloud Computing. The mobile application is developed using Google’s Android operating...
Andrea Manieri
(Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.)
4/13/10, 11:40 AM
Emerging technologies (cloud, virtualization etc)
The D4S project is going to provide as major product the gCube middleware. It is a grid-enabled service oriented middleware enabling the creation and operation of Virtual Research Environments, to serve the management and exploitation of scientific data. As part of the D4S-II project a study on the impact of cloud technology (mainly Virtualisation) and cloud capabilities (on-demand...
Alejandro Lorca
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Dr
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
4/13/10, 12:00 PM
Emerging technologies (cloud, virtualization etc)
We present a mechanism to easily provision public cloud resources for grid users. The extension of the underlying grid infrastructure benefits demanding situations coming from a single user, a group belonging to a Virtual Organization, or even from a institutional requirement. A set of very simple tools allows the GridWay administrator to deploy arbitrary instances and monitor how the...
Peter Kacsuk
4/13/10, 4:00 PM
Emerging technologies (cloud, virtualization etc)
Large parameter sweep applications require large number of resources. Unfortunately the average number of processors in EGEE VOs is between 500-800 processors that is far not enough for large parameter sweep applications. The situation can be improved if jobs of such parameter sweep applications can be distributed to available cloud resources, too. The interconnection of P-GRADE portal with...
Francisco Brasileiro
4/13/10, 4:20 PM
Emerging technologies (cloud, virtualization etc)
Opportunistic peer-to-peer (P2P) grid computing infrastructures have been proven to be cheap and effective platforms to run Bag-of-Tasks (BoT) applications. They operate on a best-effort model, which is understandable given their negligible cost. However, for some applications that could benefit from these infrastructures, having some guarantees on the time that takes to complete is an...
Erwin Laure
(PDC-Centre of High Performance Computing, KTH), Mr
zeeshan ali shah
(PDC-Centre of High Performance Computing, KTH)
4/13/10, 4:40 PM
End-user environments, scientific gateways and portal technologies
Many scientists with smaller scale problems could benefit from e-Infrastructures but are often discouraged by their complexity. These users have little experiences with shell based Linux environments typically offered; instead, they
often use Windows-based platforms and higher level packages like Matlab. In this talk we present a case study from microsystems research, focusing on how the...
Peter Kacsuk
4/13/10, 5:00 PM
Software services exploiting and/or extending grid middleware (gLite, ARC, UNICORE etc)
There is a strong collaboration between EGEE and EDGeS in order to extend the EGEE infrastructure with volunteer and institutional desktop grids (DG) and to support EGEE users to migrate their application to the EDGeS infrastructure. The talk explains to EGEE users how this integrated infrastructure works, what the benefits are and how their applications can be ported and run on this...