I will discuss using TMDs obtained with the Parton Branching method to create Parton Showers which follow the TMDs. Exempels of applications using TMD parton showers will be shown.
I will give an overview of recent results on low x TMDS and their systematic extension into the large x region.
In a double Drell–Yan process two hard interactions take place instead of a single one, leading to a more complex momentum, spin, and color structure of the diagrams involved. Higher-precision predictions for the LHC and the prospect of future high-energy colliders motivate the efforts for a rigorous field-theoretical description of these kinds of processes, as well as for the broader class of...
High energy inclusive processes are naturally formulated in terms of partonic distributions, but in fact all exclusive processes correepond to resonances and completeness of states requires a non-trivial relation betwenn inclusive and exclusive measurements. We review how Quark-Hadron Duality (QHD) for (u,d) flavors at high energies and in the scaling regime suggests a radial and angular...
The cross section for top quark pair production factorizes at small transverse momentum of the heavy quark pair, qT. One of the key ingredients that appears in the factorization formula is the soft function, which mediates soft gluon exchanges between particles. I shall present the complete result for the small-qT soft function at the next-to-next-to-leading order. This is the last missing...