9:00 AM
(until 10:25 AM)
9:00 AM
Parton distribution functions from Lattice QCD
Krzysztof Cichy
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
9:35 AM
QED evolution of TMDs
Miguel Echevarria
(INFN Pavia)
10:00 AM
Jets as probes of Transverse Momentum Distributions
Lorenzo Zoppi
(University of Amsterdam)
10:25 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
10:50 AM
Evaluation of Parton Distribution Functions and Generalized Parton Distributions from their Moments and Ioffe Time Behavior
simonetta liuti
(University of Virginia)
11:15 AM
Parton Branching TMDs
Aleksandra Lelek
(University of Antwerp)
11:40 AM
Charged hadron fragmentation functions from collider data
Valerio Bertone
12:05 PM
Determination of the TMD gluon density in a proton using recent LHC data
- Mr
Nizami Abdulov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
9:00 AM
(until 10:25 AM)
9:00 AM
Sudakov suppression of jets in heavy-ion collisions
Konrad Tywoniuk
(University of Bergen)
9:35 AM
Angular two-particle correlations of jet-particles at small momentum scales in an effective model of jet-medium interactions
Martin Rohrmoser
(Jan Kochanowski University Kielce)
10:00 AM
Unpolarized and linearly polarized gluon TMDs from the CGC
Pieter Taels
(INFN Cagliari)
10:25 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
10:50 AM
The total and differential cross sections for the production of a Z boson decaying to two charged leptons in association with N-jets
Anastasia Grebenyuk
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
11:15 AM
kT-dependence of the unintegrated gluon distribution in rho-meson leptoproduction
Andrèe Dafne Bolognino
(Università della Calabria & INFN-Cosenza)
11:40 AM
Pion nucleus Drell-Yan process and the parton transverse momentum in the pion
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
(IFPA, Université de Liège, Belgium)
12:05 PM
Charm production in association with one and two jets at the LHC
Rafał Maciuła
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
9:00 AM
(until 10:25 AM)
9:00 AM
What is a parton shower?
Zoltan Nagy
9:35 AM
Determination and application of TMD parton densities using the Parton Branching method
Armando Bermudez Martinez
10:00 AM
On interplay of parton-shower scale variations and optmimization of non-perturbative parameters in general-purpose event generators.
Andrzej Siodmok
10:25 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
10:50 AM
Differential cross sections in top-quark pair production at NNLO+NNLL' in QCD
Ben Pecjak
(Durham University)
11:15 AM
Electroweak logarithms and gauge boson PDFs
Wouter Waalewijn
(University of Amsterdam)
11:40 AM
Non-prompt J/psi+mu and J/psi+J/psi production with k_T-factorization
Maxim Malyshev
12:05 PM
Prospects for measurements of H/Z production cross section ratios using CMS Run II data.
Bugra Bilin
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
9:00 AM
(until 10:45 AM)
9:00 AM
TMDlib & TMDplotter
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Dr
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:15 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
11:15 AM
- Dr
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
12:00 PM
--- Registration ---
1:30 PM
(until 2:00 PM)
1:30 PM
Director's Foreword
- Prof.
Marek Jeżabek
1:35 PM
Krzysztof Kutak
(Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
2:00 PM
(until 3:25 PM)
2:00 PM
TMD factorization: status and implications
Ignazio Scimemi
(Universidad Complutense (ES))
2:35 PM
TMDs and parton showers
Hannes Jung
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
3:00 PM
Recent results on low x TMDs and their journey to large x
Martin Hentschinski
(Universidad de las Americas, Puebla)
3:25 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
(until 5:30 PM)
3:50 PM
Double parton distributions: evolution, initial conditions and transverse momentum dependence
Anna Stasto
(Penn State)
4:15 PM
Factorization of double Drell–Yan
- Mr
Riccardo Nagar
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
4:40 PM
Quark-Hadron duality in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Enrique Ruiz Arriola
(Universidad de Granada)
5:05 PM
Small qT factorization and the soft function for top pair production at NNLO
Sebastian Sapeta
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
(until 3:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Estimating nucleon Transverse Momentum Dependent structure functions on the lattice
Piotr Korcyl
(Jagiellonian University)
2:35 PM
On the one-loop calculations of multiscale quantities in Lipatov's EFT
- Dr
Maxim Nefedov
(Samara State University)
3:00 PM
subleading power threshold resummation
Jian Wang
(Technical University of Munich)
3:25 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
(until 5:40 PM)
3:50 PM
TMD studies at AFTER@LHC
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(IPN Orsay -- CNRS/IN2P3 -- Paris Saclay U.)
4:25 PM
Solutions of the BFKL equation with higher order corrections
Michal Deak
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow)
4:50 PM
MC predictions for boosted W/Z-bosons within TMD approach
Jindrich Lidrych
5:15 PM
Top-antitop pair production at very high pt: resummation effects in the back to back configuration.
Daniela Dominguez Damiani
5:40 PM
(until 6:10 PM)
5:40 PM
Discussion: TMD and small-x
Martin Hentschinski
(Universidad de las Americas, Puebla)
Piotr Kotko
(Penn State University)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
(until 3:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Probing QCD Wigner distribution in diffractive dijet production
- Dr
Yoshitaka Hatta
(BNL/Kyoto U)
2:35 PM
On the inclusion of open charm data in PDF fits
Maria Garzelli
(University of Tuebingen)
3:00 PM
TMD gluon distributions for multiparton processes
Marcin Bury
3:25 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
(until 5:15 PM)
3:50 PM
EIC overview talk
Ignazio Scimemi
(Universidad Complutense (ES))
4:25 PM
State of the art calculation for Z+jet production at LHC within kT-factorization
Aleksander Kusina
4:50 PM
Soft gluon resummation for the associated production of a top quark pair with a massive vector boson at the LHC
Daniel Schwartlaender
(WWU Muenster)
5:15 PM
Miguel Echevarria
(INFN Pavia)
Piet Mulders
(until 5:45 PM)
5:15 PM
Discussion: Formal issues of the TMD factorization etc
Piet Mulders
Miguel Echevarria
(INFN Pavia)
7:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
(until 3:15 PM)
2:00 PM
Is production of charmed hadrons fully perturbative ?
Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
2:25 PM
Higher-order corrections in forward Drell-Yan production at the LHC
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
(Università di Pavia and INFN Pavia)
2:50 PM
Off-shell initial state effects and gauge invariance of amplitude in Drell-Yan process
Vladimir Saleev
(Samara National Research University)
3:15 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:40 PM
(until 4:30 PM)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Discussion & further exercises