27–29 Jun 2018
LAL Orsay
Europe/Zurich timezone


Plenary opening

27 Jun 2018, 09:00
LAL Orsay, Bldg. 200, Auditorium P.Lehmann, Salle Bleue

LAL Orsay, Bldg. 200, Auditorium P.Lehmann, Salle Bleue


Plenary opening

  • Robert McKeown (Jefferson Lab)


To connect by videoconference, see instructions in the main page and details here:

Conference number 723039 (end by #)
Access code 4550 (end by #)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
achille stocchi (LAL CNRS Universite Paris Sud)
27/06/2018, 09:15
Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
27/06/2018, 09:30
Walid Kaabi (CNRS-IN2P3)
27/06/2018, 10:30
Building timetable...