27–29 Jun 2018
LAL Orsay
Europe/Zurich timezone


Parallel Sessions (Accelerator and PERLE)

27 Jun 2018, 11:30
Salle 101- Bldg 200

Salle 101- Bldg 200


To connect by videoconference, see instructions in the main page and details here:

1) Wednesday morning:
Conference number 2073 (end by #)
Access code 6159 (end by #)

2) Wednesday afternoon:
Conference number 5593 (end by #)
Access code 7447 (end by #)

3) Thursday morning:

4) Thursday afternoon:
Conference number 4261 (end by #)
Access code 3332 (end by #)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Peter Williams
27/06/2018, 11:30
Boris Militsyn (STFC)
27/06/2018, 11:55
Benjamin Hounsell (Liverpool University -LAL)
27/06/2018, 12:20
Cynthia Vallérand (LAL-CNRS)
27/06/2018, 12:45
Shahmam Gorgi Zadeh (Rostock University)
27/06/2018, 14:55
Dejan Trbojevic (BNL)
27/06/2018, 16:30
Georg Hoffstaetter (Cornell University)
28/06/2018, 09:30
Bettina Kuske (Helmholtz-Berlin)
28/06/2018, 10:00
Florian Hug (Mainz University)
28/06/2018, 10:30
Oliver Bruning (CERN)
28/06/2018, 11:30
Roman Martin (CERN)
28/06/2018, 12:20
Matthew James Stuart (CERN)
28/06/2018, 12:45
Joseph Grames (JLAB)
28/06/2018, 14:55
Diego Perini (CERN)
28/06/2018, 15:20
Building timetable...