2nd RED LHC workshop
Other Institutes
This workshop by the Spanish community participating in LHC experiments aims to enhance the interaction and discussion between theorists and experimentalists, covering topics such as Higgs, top, W/Z, dark matter, multi-leptonic signals...
The meeting will take place at the Main Auditorium of CIEMAT (Madrid) from May 9th (starting around 2pm) to 11th (until 2pm approximately) .
The LHC Network will cover the accommodation expenses in Madrid for a limited amount of participants. IMPORTANT: Hotel bookings CAN ONLY BE GUARANTEED FOR PARTICIPANTS REGISTERING BEFORE MARCH 30TH. Any later hotel requests will not be considered. Registrants with assigned hotel rooms will be notified individually by April 19th.
FEE: There is a participation fee of 80 EURThe 80 EUR fee will be collected by the IFT secretary at UAM, via bank transfer or direct deposit. Please read carefully the following payment instructions: PARTICIPANTS who do NOT require an official invoice (including VAT number)Send a bank transfer to the following beneficiary Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Banco Santander, Sucursal Important: Include in the transfer reference "REDLHC + Your_First_Name" You will be provided a signed & stamped receipt with NO VAT number. PARTICIPANTS who DO require an official invoice (including VAT number)
Adam Bailey
Adrian Alvarez Fernandez
Alberto Casas
Alejandro Segarra
Alicia Calderon Tazon
Ana Peñuelas Martínez
Ana Rosario Cueto Gomez
Antonio Dobado
Antonio L. Maroto
Antonio Pich
Arantza Oyanguren Campos
Barbara Chazin Quero
Beatriz García Plana
Begona De La Cruz
Carlos Escobar Ibañez
Carlos Francisco Erice Cid
Carlos Muñoz
Carmen Garcia
Cedric Gerald Prieels
Celso Martinez Rivero
Christian Brønnum-Hansen
Cibran Santamarina Rios
Daniel Gutiérrez Reyes
Dermot Anthony Moran
Domenec Espriu
Ernesto Arganda
Essodjolo Kpatcha
Eusebio Sanchez
Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
Félix Driencourt-Mangin
Germán Rodrigo
Ignazio Scimemi
Irene Bachiller
Isabel Josa Mutuberria
Isidro Gonzalez Caballero
Iñaki Lara
Javier Brochero
Javier Cuevas
Jesus M. Moreno
Jesus Puerta Pelayo
Jorge Alda Gallo
Jorge Fernández de Trocóniz
Jose Enrique Garcia Navarro
Jose Enrique Palencia Cortezon
Jose Miguel No
José Francisco Salt Cairols
Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra
Juan Gonzalez
Juan José Sanz Cillero
Judita Mamuzic
Jónatan Piedra
M. Pilar Casado
mara soares
Marcel Vos
Maria Cepeda Hermida
Maria Moreno Llacer
Mario Martinez-Perez
Nicolo' Trevisani
Pablo Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
Pedro Fernandez Manteca
Pietro Vischia
Rafael Delgado López
Ricardo Graciani Díaz
Sergio Sanchez Cruz
Sven Heinemeyer
Thomas Biekotter
Vasiliki Mitsou
William J. Torres Bobadilla
Óscar Boente García