26 August 2018 to 1 September 2018
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Combination and QCD analysis of beauty and charm production cross section measurements in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA

Not scheduled
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Reggio Calabria, Italy

Grand Hotel Excelsior
Low-x, PDFs and hadronic final state


Measurements of open charm and beauty production cross sections in deep inelastic $ep$ scattering at HERA from the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations are combined. Reduced cross sections are obtained in the kinematic range of negative four-momentum transfer squared of the photon $2.5$~GeV$^2\le Q^2 \le 2000$ GeV$^2$ and Bjorken scaling variable $3 \cdot 10^{-5} \le x_{\rm Bj} \le 5 \cdot 10^{-2}$. The combination method accounts for the correlations of the statistical and systematic uncertainties among the different datasets. Perturbative QCD calculations are compared to the combined data. A next-to-leading order QCD analysis is performed using these data together with the combined inclusive deep inelastic scattering cross sections from HERA. The running charm- and beauty-quark masses are determined as $m_c(m_c) = 1.290^{+0.046}_{-0.041} {\rm (exp/fit)}$ ${}^{+0.062}_{-0.014} {\rm (model)}$ ${}^{+0.003}_{-0.031} {\rm (parameterisation)}$ GeV and $m_b(m_b) = 4.049^{+0.104}_{-0.109} {\rm (exp/fit)}$ ${}^{+0.090}_{-0.032} {\rm (model)}$ ${}^{+0.001}_{-0.031} {\rm (parameterisation)}~{\rm GeV}$.

Accepted by EPJC [arxiv:1804.01019]


Matthew Wing (University College London) Stefan Schmitt (Desy)

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