A model based on CGC/Saturation approach and the BFKL Pomeron was originally constructed to describe soft hadronic interactions at LHC energies [reference (a)]. It has now been extended to also describe hard interactions at HERA energies [reference (b)]. The model also describes inclusive production, rapidity and angular correlations over a wide range of energies. We outline the formalism and compare predictions with the relevant experimental data.
(a) Gotsman, Levin and Maor, Eur.Phys.J.C75, 179 (2015)
(b) Gotsman, Levin and Potashnikova, Phys.Lett.B781 (2018) 155.
Errol Gotsman
(Tel Aviv university)
Evgeny Levin
(Tel Aviv University and Universidad Tecnica Fedrico Santa Marie Valparaiso)
Irina Potashnikova
(Universidad Tecnica Fedrico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile )