26 August 2018 to 1 September 2018
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The Odderon and the LHC data

Not scheduled
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Reggio Calabria, Italy

Grand Hotel Excelsior
Diffraction and photon physics in hadron-hadron and heavy-ion collisions


Analysis of the new experimental data obtained by the TOTEM Collaborations at LHC at $\sqrt{s} = 13 $ TeV at small momentum transfer is presented in the framework of the simplest form of the hadron scattering amplitude. The impact of the different assumptions on the extraction of the parameters of the elastic scattering amplitude, especially on the size of the $\rho(t=0)$, is examined. The possible systematic and model dependent uncertainties in the obtained value of $\rho(t=0)$ are evaluated. The possible form and energy dependence of the Odderon contribution in the hadron scattering amplitude is examined in the framework of the High Energy Generalize Structure (HEGS) model. It is shown that the contribution of the maximal Odderon amplitude at $t=0$ is very small and a little impact on the size of $\rho(t=0)$. However in the position of the iffraction minimum its impact can be non-negligible.


Oleg Selyugin (JINR) Jean-René Cudell (Univ. de Liège)

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