28–31 Aug 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

【505】 Transition-metal compounds from extended Hubbard functionals

29 Aug 2018, 17:45

CE 2


Talk Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications


Matteo Cococcioni (Theory and Simulations of Materials and MARVEL, EPFL)


An accurate modeling of transition-metal compounds is central to many scientific problems and technological applications including battery materials, photovoltaics, multiferroics, superconductors.
Unfortunately, approximate DFT functionals do not capture electronic localization in low-dispersion states (e.g., d or f) and misrepresent important properties of these systems.
This work shows how extended Hubbard corrections to current functionals, including on-site and inter-site interactions, improve dramatically the description of many physical properties, capturing localization even in presence of hybridization. Materials for Li-ion batteries will be used to demonstrate how interaction parameters consistent with the electronic and crystal structures greatly improve the prediction of thermodynamic quantities and average voltages. A new algorithm to evaluate them from density-functional perturbation theory is shown to guarantee efficiency and accuracy.


Matteo Cococcioni (Theory and Simulations of Materials and MARVEL, EPFL)


Prof. Nicola Marzari (Theory and Simulations of Materials and MARVEL, EPFL)

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