Aug 28 – 31, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

The next annual meeting of the SPS will take place from 28 - 31 August 2018 at EPFL. The program will consist of the approved mix of plenary talks, topical sessions and poster exhibition.
The meeting is organised in collaboration with the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP) and the NCCR MARVEL (Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials). They all together guarantee an exciting conference covering physics at its best. 

Abstract Submission Deadline: Extended until 13 May 2018

Please note that if you do not already have a CERN Indico account, you must create a CERN lightweight account before submitting an abstract. Procedure here:


Registration Deadline: Extended until 12 August 2018.

NOTE: With submitting an abstract you are NOT automatically registered. Use the form below to register.



Note 1: For any changes to abstracts or registrations, or any other questions regarding this conference, please contact ONLY the email shown in the left menu. Do NOT submit the same abstract nor register the same person twice !

Note 2: Do NOT contact the CERN Help Desk (or the links in the bottom line), they are not involved in the organisation and can therefore not help you.