28–31 Aug 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

【502】 Koopmans-compliant functionals: A reliable and efficient tool for the prediction of spectroscopic

29 Aug 2018, 17:00

CE 2


Talk Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications


Dr Nicola Colonna (EPFL)


Approximate density functionals produce total energies that do not exhibit the expected piecewise-linear behavior as a function of the particle number, leading to a discrepancy between total and partial electron removal/addition energies and poor predictive capabilities of ionization potentials. Koopmans-compliant functional enforce a generalized criterion of piecewise linearity in the energy of any density functional with respect to the partial removal/addition of an electron from/to any orbital of the system. Koopmans’ corrections to approximate density functionals, lead to orbital-density dependent potentials able to deliver accurate spectroscopic properties. Ionization potentials of a large set of molecules, photoemission spectra of organic donors and acceptors and band gaps of 35 semiconductors and insulators are presented, showing excellent agreement with experiment or higher-order theories.

Primary authors

Dr Nicola Colonna (EPFL) Dr Ngoc Linh Nguyen (EPFL) Dr Andrea Ferretti (CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze) Prof. Nicola Marzari (EPFL)

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