28–31 Aug 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

【515】 Silicon liquid structure and crystal nucleation from ab-initio deep metadynamics

30 Aug 2018, 18:15

CE 2


Talk Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications Advanced Electronic-Structure Developments and Applications


Luigi Bonati (ETH Zurich and USI Lugano)


We trained a deep neural network potential [1] based on a set of data generated by well-tempered metadynamics [2] simulations that use a classical potential.
We employed the SCAN exchange-correlation functional [3] and converged the calculations with respect to BZ sampling.
The resulting potential is used to study the nucleation and liquid state properties of silicon, on timescales and system sizes that are beyond the reach of ab-initio molecular dynamics.

[1] Zhang, E et al., P.R.L. (2018)
[2] Barducci, Bussi, and Parrinello, P.R.L. (2008)
[3] Sun, Ruzsinszky, and Perdew, P.R.L. (2015)

Primary authors

Luigi Bonati (ETH Zurich and USI Lugano) Prof. Michele Parrinello (ETH Zurich and USI Lugano)

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